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WALL·E Inspired Robot Project
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This page provides links to some photos and video demos of my robot inspired by Pixar's WALL·E.
There is also a link provided to the GitHub source code repository for this project. The second page (accessible at the bottom) contains more photos and lists the hardware and software features of the robot. The third page (also accessible at the bottom) contains far more details including Wall-e Block Diagram.

WALL·E Demos

There are two short demonstrations of my Wall-e in action from YouTube (images link to the videos). Bath - is an example run of the "get my wife out of the bath" program (3 minutes long). To capture the video instead of operating in the late night environment I simulate the night conditions covering the night detector (see a black tape on the Wall-e's back). Second video - a short talk example between me and my Wall-e robot (25 seconds long).

WALL·E GitHub Repository

My WALL·E robot Eclipse project and source code on GitHub is available here .


Once you start digging into a certain domain no matter what it is you figure out quickly there are so many bright and helpful people who pushed things forward. Now with the Internet getting access to what they developed is far easier than it was in the past. This particular project relies very much on the work of the following people:

  • Martin Thomas - even when I did not use his WinARM, I reused lots of great examples and source code he made for LPCxxxx family of uCs. More...
  • James P. Lynch - because of his great manual for GNU development with Eclipse and LCD Display Driver. More...
  • Jean Labrosse - for his impressive work with uC/OS kernel, books, and tutorials. More...
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